Mojakore was created with a mission to improve the quality of life in the Black American community, in other minority communities, and in the larger population as well.

Doing a search on the biggest problems impacting Black Americans, the first several hits are related to health diagnosis and treatment — great news for the health industry, but I think probably other issues are causing more quality of life impact for a majority of Black Americans today. As I see it we have a large number of very successful Black Americans today compared with previous years, but it’s still a small percentage of our numbers today. For the most successful of us, health might be the area of greatest personal concern, i.e. personal potential risk. It might be easier to see this by considering what would be the area of greatest personal concern for the most successful Black Americans’ children. What are the worst impacting scenarios weighted by the likelihood of those scenarios?

Now weighing in the distribution of wealth across Black Americans, how does the list of greatest concerns change?

I think the change is in the direction of the list coming from a survey of Millennials, except that in the Black American community, the impact of the War on Young Black Men, i.e. the War on Drugs, is way, way more impacting in the Black American community than in the country in general. It’s real. It’s breaking up families. It’s causing emotional and psychological impact to children, to women, and to men. It’s the game-changing elephant in the room — such that if we find ourselves talking about the room it’s probably a testament to the elephant’s impact and implementation.

Anyway, yes, there’s work to be done. The good news is, we can collaborate smartly so that the great majority of us can live our normal lives attending these issues with a couple to 3 or 4 hours a week and be effective in fixing them. The technology is here. We’re early on the curve of getting the information out. That’s all.

Mojakore will not focus only on problems but also on good news and other information that help make the journey/struggle/path more enjoyable.

Link to the Millennial List of biggest problems in the world:

Link to Lifehack’s List for Living a Better Life: